Europe’s leading role in healthcare: strategies for workforce, chronic diseases, and innovation

The European healthcare systems face critical challenges, including workforce shortages, rising chronic diseases, and the need to maintain high standards while ensuring sustainability. The European Commission, through initiatives like the eHealth, is driving innovation in therapeutic interventions and digital health tools to address these issues.

By improving chronic disease management and reducing the burden on healthcare professionals, these measures aim to enhance patient outcomes and support economic resilience of healthcare systems. A strong and competitive pharmaceutical industry is essential to drive these innovations and maintain Europe’s global leadership in health solutions.  

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Questions to be addressed include but are not limited to:

Do health policies sufficiently address the capacity challenges faced at European and Member State levels? Are EU institutions leveraging the benefits of early prevention and higher treatment goals in reducing healthcare demand?

As the European Commission discusses the precise definition of 'unmet medical need,' are healthcare stakeholder doing enough to ensure that patients with chronic diseases are included and that their growing demand for higher treatment goals is adequately valued?

Competitiveness is the mantra of this new EU mandate; is health though integrated into the competitiveness agenda as a critical sector?

Strategic Director
Parkinson’s Europe
Vice President Europe Region North
AbbVie Biopharmaceuticals
MEP (EPP, Croatia)
European Parliament
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