Datacenter 101: Enabling Europe’s AI-powered future

The rapid advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is reshaping industries and societies across Europe. As AI continues to evolve, datacentres have emerged as the critical infrastructure enabling this transformation.   

The EU’s Competitiveness Compass aims to create and guide the right conditions for a sustainable economic leadership and global business growth by promoting the adoption of AI and cloud technologies, supported by advanced infrastructure that fuels innovation and competitiveness across Europe. In parallel, the Clean Industrial Deal—alongside with upcoming energy related files as part of the Affordable Energy Action Plan—seeks to modernise Europe’s energy infrastructure while ensuring a balance between economic growth and environmental stewardship.  

This high-level dinner will explore datacentres’ role in AI transformation and twin transition ambitions, essential drivers of Europe’s long-term competitiveness, featuring a virtual datacentre tour designed to experience what a datacentre is. 

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