Health Summit

The dawn of a new mandate brings forward a series of moonshots to solve the continent’s most pressing health and healthcare issues.

Can Europe get it all while ensuring the bloc’s strategic autonomy, bolstering competitiveness and safeguarding patients’ equitable access to care?

From combating cardiovascular diseases and cancer, to addressing mental health, digitalisation of healthcare systems, and promoting healthy ageing, our discussions will be focused on actionable solutions.

By convening influential policymakers and experts from Brussels and beyond, our summits provide an unparalleled opportunity to set forward concrete policy asks for the next EU Mandate.


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Event Details

What’s at stake for European companies when it comes to ensuring the bloc’s strategic autonomy? What steps should the next European Commission take to ensure competitiveness and sustainability at all levels of the supply chain?

How can the EU strike the appropriate balance between guaranteeing access to affordable and innovative medications while also ensuring the competitiveness of European pharmaceutical companies?

To what extent real progress can be made considering the current legislative fragmentation among Member States? What measures are necessary to enhance patient access to treatments uniformly across the bloc?

What kind of investment is needed to meet EU’s long-term plans, considering its ever-aging population?

Digitalisation of healthcare systems: What strategies can facilitate the unlocking of Europe’s health data’s untapped potential through the European Health Data Space?

How extensively is AI health technology utilised throughout Europe presently, and what objectives does it serve?

Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) represent 80% of the disease burden in the EU and the leading cause of avoidable premature deaths. Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) in particular, are the number one killer in Europe. How can the European Commission’s policies support the development and implementation of effective preventive interventions and early detection strategies for NCDs?

Solid investment is also key: How can the EU strengthen incentives such as IP laws and fast regulations to leverage pharmaceutical innovation?

Can AI help improve diagnosis, early detection and stratified therapies – and to what extent?

Mental health is an integral part of health. How can the next European Mandate ensure mental health is well streamlined into any health strategy for the bloc?

With the total costs of serious mental health problems estimated at more than 4% of European GDP, what preventive and awareness measures should the EU set up in place to address the issue?

How does serious mental health link to other areas such as digitalisation, urbanism, environment and climate? Are current measures comprehensive enough to organically tackle serious mental health as a systematic issue?

Head of Government Affairs & Policy EMEA, MedTech
Johnson & Johnson
MEP (EPP, Hungary)
European Parliament
Acting Head of Unit, Antitrust: Pharma and Health Services, Directorate-General COMP
European Commission
Counsellor, Public Health, Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices
Permanent Representation of Poland to the EU
Head of Unit, Combatting Diseases, Directorate-General RTD
European Commission
Acting Head of Unit H3 eHealth, Well-Being and Ageing, Directorate-General CNECT
European Commission
Member (EPP, Ireland)
European Parliament
MEP (EPP, Poland)
European Parliament
Member (S&D, Portugal)
European Parliament
MEP (Greens/EFA, Luxembourg)
European Parliament
Commissioning Editor, Special Projects & Opinion
The Parliament
Executive Director
European Patients' Forum
MD & Independent Journalist
Board Member and Treasurer
Gamian Europe
Member of the European Parliament (Renew, Denmark)
Member of the European Parliament (EPP, Hungary)
European Parliament
Vice President, Self Care, EMEA
Senior Vice President and Global Head of Mental Health
Boehringer Ingelheim
Vice President, Medical Affairs Specialty Medicines Europe
Daiichi Sankyo Europe GmbH
Commissioner, Health and Food Safety
European Commission
The Parliament
Event Details